Making an external API call

We often have the use case where we want to make an API call -- be it to another micro-service in your eco system or to a 3rd party service. Over here we'll see how to accomplish the same in Cosmocloud's Flow Builder.

Using API Call node

You can use the API Call node in the Flow Builder to connect to any external service and hit their API.

You can then open this node's properties and configure your API call you would want to perform. For example, if you want to fetch a list of students from using a GET API call, you would configure it as per the below screenshot -

This node will return body and statusCode for you to use in the rest of your flow. For example, if the above API Call node has the nodename node_7, you can access the response body as $.node_7.body.<key_in_body>

You can also make POST and other calls, as well as JSON payloads and enable Authentication on this external API.

To go deep into API Call node's documentation, please check this link.

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