External Nodes

External nodes play a pivotal role in extending the functionality of workflows by providing direct integration with external services, APIs, and resources. These nodes empower users to seamlessly interact with external systems, thereby enhancing the scope and versatility of their applications.

Some of the external nodes present in cosmocloud are -

  • API Call : This node allows you to easily connect with external APIs within your API flow, enabling smooth interactions and expanding the functionality of your workflow.

  • Get Presigned URL : This node allows user to generate a unique URL that provides temporary access to a specific resource hosted on a cosmocloud storage service.

  • Post Presigned URL : This node allows user to generate a presigned URL that is specifically generated for the purpose of allowing HTTP POST requests.

  • Send EMAIL (SES) : This node allows user to send emails to specified user using AWS SES Service.

  • Send SMS (SNS): This nodes allows user to send text messages or notifications to user using AWS SNS service.

  • Fire Events (SQS) : This node allows user to fire event to a external queue using AWS SQS service.

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