If Else

If Else node lets you check for a boolean condition, which if true sends the flow execution to the True branch, else sends the flow execution to the False branch.

Adding If Else node at the end

As you see in the below image, an If Else node comes with two child branches - True and False branch. You can build your remaining flow in these branches.

Adding If Else node between 2 nodes

If you try adding the If Else node between 2 existing nodes, you will see a popup asking you which branch should the existing children be part of.

This is because If Else node breaks the flow into 2 separate branches, which never merge. If you want the branches to merge, checkout If Else V2.

Deleting If Else node

If you plan to delete the If Else node, keep in mind that it will delete the whole flow below the current If Else node as the system does not know which branch to connect to the parent node. This does not happen with If Else V2.

Properties Panel


condition - The boolean result of the condition at runtime. You can access this using Magical Autocomplete (Eg. $.<node_name>.condition) in any node below this node.

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