Variable Nodes

Variable nodes are essential components that empower users to work with dynamic data within workflows. These nodes enable the creation and management of variables, which are placeholders for storing and retrieving information.

Some type of variable nodes present in cosmocloud are -


  • Append to Array : This node facilitates the addition of new elements to an existing array within your API flow.

  • Contains : This node serves to determine whether a specific value is present within a given array.

  • Check array empty : This node allows you to check if a given array holds some values.

  • Length of Array : This node enables you to determine the number of elements within an array within your API flow.

  • Reverse Array : This node empowers you to reverse the order of elements within an array within your API flow.

  • Sort Array : This node is used to sort array (ascending or descending) within your API flow.


  • Append to String : This node empowers you to dynamically extend a string within your API flow, enabling flexible content building and dynamic string concatenation.

  • Concat String : This node enables you to effortlessly combine multiple strings within your API flow, facilitating dynamic text creation and versatile content generation.

  • Set Variable : This node allows you to define and assign values to variables within your API flow. This node is essential for storing and managing data that can be used throughout the workflow.

  • Slice String : The "Slice String" node empowers you to extract a portion of a string within your API flow.

  • To Lower : This node allows you to convert a string to lowercase within your API flow.

  • To Upper : This node enables you to convert a string to uppercase within your API flow.

  • Trim String: This node empowers you to remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string within your API flow.


  • Add Variable : This node optimises API flows by enabling summation operations, enhancing computational capabilities, and improving workflow efficiency through calculated variables.

  • Complex Maths Expr : This node empowers you to perform intricate mathematical calculations seamlessly within your API flow, enabling advanced computations and data transformations.

  • Decrement Variable : This node allows you to decrease the value of a variable within your API flow.

  • Divide Variable : This node enables you to perform division operations on a variable within your API flow.

  • Increment Variable : This node enables you to increase the value of a variable within your API flow.

  • Multiply Variable : This node enables you to perform multiplication operations on a variable within your API flow.

  • Subtract Variable : This node enables you to conduct subtraction operations on a variable within your API flow.


  • Merge JSON : This node allows you to combine and unify multiple JSON objects within your API flow.

  • Build JSON Object : This node allows you to construct and customise JSON data structures effortlessly within your API flow, enhancing data formatting.

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