
Environments are a set of deployed infrastructure to be used by the Project at runtime. One single Environment can be thought as a single Deployed Infra capable to live and scale on its own.

Development Environment

Each project can have 1 environment of type DEVELOPMENT which will be used in Dev Mode, to test and try out the APIs being built.

Currently, this Development Environment is free to use, with Free Tier restrictions applied on it.

Dedicated Environments

You can create additional environments in Cosmocloud, as per need. There are 3 types of environments you can create -

Production Environment

This environment is supposed to act as your Project's Production environment. This environment also acts as a releasable environment. You can select the Environment Tier on which the Environment runs and scales out to.

Restrictions & Limitations

  • You cannot rename this environment.

  • You cannot share this environment.

Staging Environment

This environment is supposed to act as your Project's Staging / Testing / UAT environment. This environment also acts as a releasable environment. You can select the Environment Tier on which the Environment runs and scales out to.

Restrictions & Limitations

  • You cannot rename this environment.

  • You cannot share this environment.

Custom Environments

You can create multiple custom environments, as per need. Each Custom Environment can have a unique name as well as you can define the Environment's tier type as well.

Coming Soon

  • You can also make these environments sharable so that you can share the infrastructure between multiple environments and still have logical name spacing.

  • You can connect custom domains to these environments.

Last updated