If Else V2

If Else V2 node lets you check for a boolean condition, which if true executes to the True branch, else executes the False branch, before coming back to the normal flow.

Adding If Else V2 node

As you see in the below image, an If Else V2 node comes with two child branches - True and False branch. You can build your remaining flow in these branches.

As you see above, you will note that the True and False branches have Executor nodes attached to them. These executor nodes run a separate SubFlow inside the context of this flow (like a nested function) and once completed, it comes back to the normal flow below the executor nodes.

Properties Panel


Node name



The condition object which this node evaluates at Flow Runtime, based on which the flow is sent to True branch or False branch. Check this documentation to see how to build conditions in this node.




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