Building Conditions

Conditions are JSON like objects which process and return a boolean output at the runtime. An expressions object looks like -


The condition can be build in 2 types -

Simple Condition

This condition has at most one condition comparison key.

    <key>: {
        <operator>: <value>




The key which needs to be compared with the value. This can also be a Magical Autocomplete.



A CQL conditional operator which defines what type of comparison has to be done in this condition object. You can check the list of CQL conditions operators here.



The value to compare the <key> with. This can also be a Magical Autocomplete.

Compound Condition

This condition can compound together multiple Simple and Compound Conditions together.

    <compound_operator>: [ <cond>, <cond>, ... ]




A CQL compound operator which defines what type of comparison has to be done between the list of nested conditions. You can check the list of CQL compound operators here.



A nested Simple Condition object or Compound Condition object.



Simple Conditions

    "$": {
        "$eq": "Shrey"

The above expression will return true if the variable name contains the value Shrey else will return false.

Compound Conditions

The below snippet shows how you can build the query -

# Sample query to be built
name=Shrey OR age=10
// Condition Object
    "$or": [
            "$": {
                "$eq": "Shrey"
            "$.variables.age": {
                "$eq": 10


Multiple Level of Conditions

The below snippet shows how you can build the query -

# Sample query to be built
name=Shrey OR (age>25 AND marks >=80)
// Condition Object
    "$or": [
            "$": {
                "$eq": "Shrey"
            "$and": [
                    "$.variables.age": {
                        "$gt": 25
                    "$.variables.marks": {
                        "$gte": 80


List of Compound Operators available in CQL -

List of Conditional Operators available in CQL -

Last updated