Available Cloud & Regions

Currently, Cosmocloud supports the following Cloud Providers and Regions -

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

The available regions of AWS keeps on increasing, so don't forget to come back and check this for new regions available!

Currently, we support these regions -

  • North Virginia (us-east-1)*

  • Mumbai (ap-south-1)

If you are looking for any other regions or activating any region, please reach out to us on contact@cosmocloud.io

* regions marked are not available for self-service right now.

Google Cloud Services (GCP)

The available regions of GCP keeps on increasing, so don't forget to come back and check this for new regions available!

Currently, we support these regions -

  • Iowa (us-central-1)

  • Mumbai (asia-south1)

If you are looking for any other regions or activating any region, please reach out to us on contact@cosmocloud.io

* regions marked are not available for self-service right now.

Last updated