Concat Strings

The Concat Strings node is used to concatenate two or more strings together. It combines the specified strings into one. The resulting concatenated string is then stored in a new variable.

Properties Panel




Node name


New string name

Name of the new variable in which the concatenated string would be stored


Strings to concatenate

Values or Variables containing strings needs to be concatenated



The character or set of characters that is used to separate each concatenated value



Let's say you want to generate the full name of user from user's first and last name. User First Name is stored in $.variable.firstname User Last Name is stored in $.variable.lastname

  1. Set New string name to full_name.

  2. Set Strings to concatenate to $.variable.firstname

  3. Click New Value Button in Strings to concatenate section.

  4. Set Strings to concatenate to $.variable.lastname

  5. Set Delimiter to (in case you want space between first and last name else leave blank).

It will append the string present in $.variable.firstname to string present in $.variables.lastname. The variable $.variables.fullname will contain the concatenated string. If the variable $.variables.fullname does not exists, then it will create a new variable. If it exists, it would overwrite the value with the concatenated string.


This node does not return any value, but sets a variable with your provided < New string name> in the flow context.

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