REST APIs are the essence of Backend Development, the most used way for your frontend (client) to talk to your backend layer.

Creating APIs

There are various ways to create APIs in your Cosmocloud project -

Using Templates

You can quickly start creating the APIs and their corresponding models using use-case based Templates. These help you in auto generating convention based APIs and models for faster productivity.

You can then customise and edit any API or Model that is created via Templates.

Available Templates

  • Entity CRUD APIs

  • Entity Search APIs

  • Fetch / Upload Media APIs

Building from Scratch

This is the method where you can start building your APIs from scratch. This will help you in customising your API endpoints, request methods as well as any Query Param Models / Request Body Models you want to use.

Customising API Flow Logic

After creating an API, you can create or customise the APIs logic, using Cosmocloud's Flow Builder. To be able to customise this -

  1. Navigate to APIs listing page from Application Layer -> APIs.

  2. Open the API you want to edit.

  3. Switch to the Flow tab of the particular API.

  4. Start editing!

Checkout Cosmocloud's Flow Builder for more details on customising flows in Cosmocloud.

Last updated