Exists Check

Exists Check node is designed to verify the existence of any value accessible through Magical Autocomplete within the current flow. This node can check for the existence of node data, variables, token data, custom secrets, and more, providing a boolean result that can be used for conditional logic in your workflow.

Properties Panel




Node name


CQL reference to check

The CQL reference to the value being checked for existence.



  1. Specify the CQL reference of the value you want to check for existence.

  2. The node will return a boolean value indicating whether the referenced item exists.


  • The node evaluates the provided CQL reference within the current flow context.

  • If the referenced item exists, the node returns true.

  • If the referenced item does not exist, the node returns false.

  • The result can be used in subsequent nodes for conditional branching or decision making.


The node returns a boolean value:

  • true if the referenced item exists

  • false if the referenced item does not exist

You can access this result using Magical Autocomplete (e.g., $.<node_name>.result) in any node below this node.


Let's say you want to check if a variable named user_id exists in the current flow:

  1. Set CQL Reference to $.variables.user_id

If user_id exists in the flow, the node will return true. If it doesn't exist, it will return false.

Best Practices

  • Use this node to validate the presence of data before attempting to use it in your flow.

Last updated