
$add operator lets you add multiple values and return the result of the expression. You can use this in any Expression Object.


    "$add": [ <expr>, <expr>, ... ]




The <expr> expression can be any valid expression as long as it resolves to a number.

It can also be a Magical Autocomplete.



float - The result of $add operation


Basic example

    "$add": [1, 2, 3]

The above expression returns 6.0

With Nested Expressions

    "$add": [ { "$add": [1, 2] }, 3, 4 ]

The above expression calculates the nested expression, return 3 in its place and then the outer $add expression returns 10 overall.

With Magical Autocomplete

Let's say we have declared a variable temp in our API flow, which has a value of 5 currently.

    "$add": ["$.variables.temp", 3]

The above expression would resolve to a result of 8.0

Last updated